The Section 232 launched by President Donald Trump's administration investigating how steel imports affect the national security of the United States represents a dramatic shift in trade policy from all previous US administrations.  With the President tackling steel dumping from a national security standpoint rather than a traditional trade case one, the findings of this investigation could drastically affect down stream customers steel customers of all types when they come out.

Whether or not hot rolled steel, cold rolled steel, galvanized steel, or diamond plate prices alter drasitcally remains to be seen.  We shall see what happens once the investigation concludes in the next 250+ days.  In the meantime, for a very informative, brief discussion on the recent launch of the Section 232 investigation regarding steel imports and national security under President Trump's administration and how the investigation's outcome could shape global and domestic steel prices and capacity listen to the follwoing podcast from

If you have any questions about the direction of the market and how our purchasing programs can hedge your price risk, please call Camden Yards Steel today at 856-342-7100.  As always, thanks for stopping by!